Sunday, August 8, 2010

Talents I didn't know

I just discovered that I am "bi-stitchual".  Is that not the coolest thing.  I didn't even knbow this word existed.  It means I can knit and crochet both.  That's like being double-jointed which I am that too, but I was born that way and I had to learn how to be bistitchual. 

I like to make up new words.  For example lupper is when you have a meal in the middle of the afternoon instead of lunch and supper.  Lupper.  One can eat only two meals a day if they have brunch and lupper instead of breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Oddly enough I can't think of other words I've made up.  I suspect that I use them often enough that they no longer seem made up to me!  I know there's a web site where you can see new words made up by other people but I've lost it.  If anyone knows what it is let me know.  It was really fun to read. 

Still knitting on "Spring is in the Air".  I've got to pay better attention to my pattern.  I leave out yo's or drop stitches and have to tink back and re-knit.  I guess I've only been working on it for about a month but it seems like forever. 

And doing a little wedding planning.  They're doing most of their own planning but I get to help a little bit.

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