Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Out of my mind.....

Well, hello. It's been a while since I posted. Seems to be a really busy life but when I try to think of what all I've been doing....I can't. So, I don't know what I've been doing but I've been really busy doing it!

A couple weeks ago I was reading one of the yahoo groups I subscribe to on lace knitting I think and a discussion of a 12 step program for lace knitters came up. Someone then made this comment "12 steps? I thought it was 3 steps--buy yarn, knit objects with deliberate holes in them, do it again---or something like that. And it made me think "we" (knitters/crocheters) need a step program. So "borrowing" the comment from that person, I think this works...at least for me.

1. Buy yarn

2. Knit / crochet

3. See steps 1 & 2

Now if we could just come up with an acronym--something catchy--like AA, ACoA (where I spent some time working on issues) people would look at us with respect or perhaps awe that we were addressing our issue (not problem) head on! We could get buttons, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc..... or maybe not. just mindless thinking...... is that an oxymoron? "mindless thinking"?

Okay, well! Richard and I had a disastrious Sunday. I woke up with a migraine, took a Zomig about 8:30 and laid down and didn't wake up until 2:30! My tablets have never knocked me out like that before! But at least the headache was gone. I found Richard still in his pj's, hadn't had anything to eat all day long and was bent double with pain. So I get us both dressed and head to the emergency room (for the 2nd. time since Feb. with this problem I might add) and finally after a ct scan they figured out he has a hernia--oddly enough in the exact same spot he had one repaired 5 years ago which (the anesthesia) triggered the Alz ( anes.--alz) a little known bad combo. Anyhow, now he's got to have another surgery tp repair the repair and this is not good news cause the anest. could increase his dementia. So I'm kind of reeling here.

RANT APPROACHING...sorry, can't help it: Allright, I do have help. My kids and sister and mom try to help me as needed but ultimately it all boils down to me! I have to make the financial, medical everything arrangements for both of us (I finally did our taxes yesterday) plus work full time. I want to laugh hysterically when people say "are you taking anytime for yourself?" and SMACK them when they pat my arm and say "well God doesn't give us any more than we can handle". (I had to go talk to my minister about that one! and she said it was okay to smack them---not really but she agreed with me) So it often doesn't feel like I have any help at all. I do seem to get a lot of advice...like I need more "I need to" things for my already never ending list. End of rant

Yesterday I finally surrendered Richard's driver's license. I think that was possibly the hardest thing I've ever had to do--take away his freedom. Today we're going to get him an official state id card. Here's Carter and Grandpa (Richard). They're very close.

Someone reading (a college English teacher!) my blog awhile back told me I should publish our experiences. I'm not sure that I'll ever try that, but it did make me think I'd try to journal some of our experiences.

On The Needles: still working on the Lady Eleanor entralac. I sure enjoy knitting this project, but it is taking a long time. Course I do take time out to work on some socks and a scarf and some other things.

Toodles and thanks for reading! .....Anita

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my other favorite - "I don't see how you do it." Wow...do I have a choice here?

When people give me the God thingy - I just reply that he better stop because my toes are hanging over the edge.....