Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I should not have done that

I should not have posted my rant on the blog. I feel especially bad for people who feel guilty and have no need to. I know that our friends think about us just as I think about my friends who are enduring trials. Sometimes I have these meltdowns and I felt really alone and scared and anxious last Saturday. I apologize to all who became distressed by reading the post. It’s okay that I vented just not here. However, a lot of really nice things have come my way since and I’ve heard from a lot of folks, so from my point of view-that’s a good thing. Thank you everyone and I’m so sorry if I made you feel bad.

1 comment:

CurliSu said...

I still say it's okay to let loose occasionally. Your friends will understand and anyone else--? They can just go their own way.