Friday, March 7, 2008

I prefer to think of myself as "thrifty"

For sometime now I've been reading on the knitlist yahoo group about buying the "tackle kit" or "worm binder"thing-y from Bass Pro to hold circular needles, and I agree that they look like a good idea. I think they're about $20 each but I don't know how many zipper bags are in each kit.

Well I've come up with my own idea. For several months I've been keeping my circular needles (excepting the Knit Picks Harmony set) in gallon size Zip-Lock bags. One bag for each size, all lengths. (one bag full of all my size 4's, another all my size 5's etc)
I experimented with various tapes and with Masking Tape--seems to work best--I put a strip across the bottom of each bag on both sides to reinforce it. like this

Then using an electric 3-hole punch (If you don't have access to one, they have them at Kinko's I think) I punched it. I write the size of the needle on the bags using a Sharpie. I'm going to include a list of all my lengths and different brands, soooon

Next, I bought some "book rings" at Wal Mart for 97 cents--got eight--these were 1.5" each and clipped them through the holes in each bag. A 3-ring binder would work too, but I like this method. And ta-da here we are for less than $5--organized

So, whatta ya think? Let me know. I like it and I guess that's all that counts


Anonymous said...

I think it's great! But I think I also told you that at Knit-In. Cool idea!

Susan said...

That's a really good idea and budget friendly, too.
Love the grandson pictures, he's too cute!

Lizardknits said...

After a couple of years the stickum on the tape dries up and it starts coming off. I know from experience.... I got tired of having to re-do the tape, I bought a worm bag. No more wasted knitting time on taping!

Linda said...

Hey, I likes.

Carolyn said...

Great idea! I got the tote at GY that has the plastic bags in it. Same concept but yours is much more economical...wish I'd thought of it too!